Kansas Foreclosure is Judicial.
Kansas foreclosure law states that a lawsuit must be filed to obtain a court order to foreclose. Upon receiving all claims, the court will make a judgment in favor of the lender and against the borrower for the balance due. The sheriff is directed to auction off the property to the highest bidder.
Kansas foreclosure law states that the notice of the time and sale must be advertised once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, with the last publication being no more than fourteen (14) and no less than seven (7) days before the borrower scheduled date of sale. Notice of the sale must also be sent to the within five (5) days of the first advertisement.
Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the sale is held at the courthouse in the county where the property resides. The foreclosure sale is by public auction to the highest bidder, who will receive a certificate of purchase. After the sale is confirmed, the winning bidder will be entitled to receive a sheriff’s deed once the borrowers right of redemption has expired. The borrower typically has twelve (12) months from the date of the foreclosure sale to redeem the property.
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